Create a folder icon using Adobe Photoshop shape function.

Folder Icon:
In this tutorial, I will teach you how to create the folder shown.
Part one: Setting up Photoshop and downloading shapes.
Open Photoshop set up my workspace at 800 by 600. I used the same background color as my web page; you can use any color you want. First, click foldershapes to download these custom shapes. And import them into Photoshop.

Part two: Applying the Blending Options to the rectangle.
Create a new layer, change the foreground color to #e8c813, this will be the color of the folder top cover. Click on the Custom Shape Tool and select the first shape. Using the settings below,

Draw the cover of the folder as shown below.

Right click on the Folder Layer and click Blending Option. With that apply the settings shown below

lick ok.
Create a new layer, change the foreground color to #846606. This would be the color of the back part of the folder. This layer has to be under the previous layer. Position the Custom Shape Tool cross hear as shown above. Click, Hold and drag to the other end of the folder, as shown below. When you are satisfied release the mouse. With that, you should have the folder shown below.

Right click on the Back Folder Layer and click Blending Option.

Click ok. With that you should have the image below.

New we need to put some papers into the folder, Create a new layer in between the to folder layers. You can use the pen tool and recreate the shape below

Right click on the Back Folder Layer and click Blending Option.

Duplicate the paper layer about 4 or 5 times and just reposition it to get the effect shown below. If you want to give the folder a glowing effect. Merge all the layers except the background layer, Next duplicate the layer. So now you will have two folder layers, Blur the bottom layer to about 2.4 and change the top layer to overlay.