Learn how to create a balloon.

In this tutorial, I will teach you how using Adobe Photoshop you can create balloons to decorate your site web page for a special event.

Step1: Setting up workspace.
Create a new image using the dimension 800 x 600. Set the background color to white, or whatever background you are planning to put the image on. Create a new layer, Layer>New> Layer… (Shift+Ctrl+N) and name it balloon.
Step2: Creating the balloon.
Still on the “balloon” layer click on the “Ellipse Tool“

Change the foreground color to #164b8a this will be the color of the balloon. Now draw the shape shown below.

We need to add a “Blending Option” to the ellipse. Right click on the layer, select blending options, and add the settings below.

Step3: Creating the balloon knot.
Create a new layer, Layer>New> Layer… (Shift+Ctrl+N) and name it “Knot“. Move the knot layer below the “Balloon” layer. Now select the “Knot” layer and click on the “Custom Shape Tool” from the shape window select the custom shape shown below.

Using the same foreground color #164b8a draw the shape below.

Now re position the shape above to the bottom of the balloon as shown below.

Hold down Ctrl and click on the “balloon” and “knot” layer to select it as shown below.

Press Ctrl+E to merge the layers after you select them. At this point, you should have one layer.
Step4: Adding shadows/reflections to the balloon.
Hold Ctrl and click on the layer to select it, this will put a selection around the balloon as shown below.

Now click on the “Elliptical Marquee Tool” when you click on the Elliptical Marquee Tool the menu below will come up in the task bar.

Make sure that “Subtract from selection” is selected. With the “Elliptical Marquee Tool” still selected, draw a selecting as shown below.

With that, you should have the selection below.

Create a new layer, Layer>New> Layer… (Shift+Ctrl+N) and name it “reflection“. Change the foreground color to white, using the paint bucket fill the selection with that color. Because the background is white, your image will look something like mine below.

Still on the “reflection” layer, change the opacity to 2% as shown below.

Click on the layer with the Balloon on it, select the Brush Tool set your brush up using the settings below.

Change the foreground color to #8badc8, using the brush the balloon in a “C” motion ash depicted below. To get the effect below you have to repeat the brush action about 6 times. If you get it in the first try good, but it takes some practice to get it.

Step4: Drawing the balloon string.
Create a new layer, Layer>New> Layer… (Shift+Ctrl+N) and name it “string“. Change the foreground color to black. Click on the Brush Tool set your brush up using the settings below

Now select the Pen Tool and draw the line shown below.

Now right click on the line you drew and click “Stroke Path“

When you do that the window below will come up, here is where you will select the brush tool, and click ok.

Now you should see the string with the path still on it, right click on the line using the pen tool and click Delete Path as shown below.

Well that is it. If you want to change the balloon color, you can recreate the tutorial using different colors or you can click on Image> Adjustments> Hue/Saturation and play around with the settings. Hope it came out to what you expected. I also created a video tutorial for this example.