In this tutorial, I will teach you how to create a custom SMS ringtone for your iPhone. The process is simple from downloading WinSCP and OpenSSH. If you do this will not be able to use the original tone. This process will override the original SMS tone.
Step 1:
First, download this WinSCP file. This file will allow you to log in to your iPhone. Also, go into the iPhone general setting and turn off Auto-Lock.

While your on the iPhone go into the installer and download OpenSSH. We also need to show the file extension in windows. Open my documents click on Tool > Folder Options > View and uncheck Hide extensions.
Step 2:
The wifi needs to be on, you will also need the IP address that the iPhone is connected to. This is located Settings > Wifi click on the blue arrow and write down the IP address.

Startup WINSCP

Fill in the IP address, the Username is root and the password is alpine. Hit login and it will connect if it does not turn the iPhone off and back on. Reenter the information and connect.
Step 3:
When you connect you will see the window below.

Hit the up arrow that is above the Library as shown in the screenshot above. Go up until you can not go up anymore.
Now Browse to this folder: /System/Library/Audio/UISounds
Step 4:
Download this music file, click here.
First, add the file to iTunes. Open iTunes Preferences. Choose Edit > Preferences.

Click on Import Settings

Set the setting as shown.
Now, select the SMS tone that you previously added to iTunes. Click on Advanced > Create AAC Version

Now you should have two versions of the SMS tone right click on the tone you just created and select Show in Windows Explorer
Your file should have an m4a extension. Drag this file onto your desktop and rename it SMS-received6.caf. When you are finished open WinSCP and upload the file into the UISounds folder. This process will override the original sound. Go into the sound setting on your iPhone and click on the last sound and it should be the cow sound.
And you are finished.