Create your own Nike custom shoes.

Introduction: In this tutorial, I will teach you how to change the color of your shoes. Very simple, you can design your own shoes using Photoshop, submit them to a designer, and have them create the shoes for you. 🙂 that would be so great.

Find a good picture of shoes you like, and you can click on the original version and copy the Nike shoes I used. Copy it and paste it into PhotoShop. Make sure the image is sitting separately from the background.
With the image pasted into Photoshop, press CTRL+ALT+0 to view the actual pixel. Press CTRL+J to duplicate the layer. Now we can start editing it. First, let us edit the Nike check, click on the Zoom tool, zoom into the check so you can see it more clearly, click on the zoom tool and drag it around the Nike Check, and it will zoom into that area. As shown below.

At this point your you should be looking at the zoomed Nike Check in your Photoshop work area. Click on the Lasso Tool and draw around the Nike check. Click and hold to draw around the check. Your lines don’t have to be perfect when you zoom out of the image, and it will look fine. If you did everything right, your image should look like the image shown below.

With part of your image selected, click CTRL+U or Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation, and the window below should come up. Click on Colorize and adjust the setting to whatever color you like. I found it hard to use white; all the image details disappeared when I used it.

Play around with the Hue, Saturation, and Lightness, and if you did everything right, you should have something like I have below.

That’s basically it; after you used the Lasso Tool to draw around a part of the sneaker, you can use the contact and extend options to get more detailed control over your selection. Click Select > modify to get these settings.

Just repeat steps 2 – 3 to color in the other parts of the sneaker.
