Create a sleek-looking navigation bar.

In this tutorial, I will explain how to recreate the navigation menu. I created this effect using the pen tool and the rounded rectangle tool. It is a simple effect that looks professional.

Step1: Creating the Main Shape.
Create a new image using the dimension 800 x 600. Set the background color to white. You can change the background depending on your website’s color. Create a new layer, Layer>New> Layer… (Shift+Ctrl+N). I created this shape using the Pen Tool. If you can use this tool, feel free to draw the shape above, or you can click pixeldigest_custom1, download the shape, and import it into Photoshop. With the shape imported into Photoshop, Click on the Custom Shape Tool and select the image below.

Step2: Adding Blending Options
Right click on the shape layer, click Blending Options, add the settings shown below.

Blend Mode color: cccccc

Color: 666666

Click ok when you added the setting.
With that, you should have the effect below.

Step3: Adding the buttons.
Create a new layer, Layer>New> Layer… (Shift+Ctrl+N).
Now click on the Rounded Rectangular tool (U) and create a rounded rectangle with the setting I have below.

Create the button shown below, and move the button layer under the main shape layer.

With that, you should have the effect below.

Step3: Adding the blending options to the buttons.
Right-click on the button layer, click Blending Options, and add the settings shown below. (The blending option is the same as the above layer)
Apply the same setting you previously did in step two to the shape.

Step4: Changing the color to match your site.
Create a new layer, Layer>New> Layer… (Shift+Ctrl+N). Above all the layers, click Layer>New Adjustment Layer> Color Balance. When the window below comes up, click ok.

Play around with the different colors to get the color you like.

Well that is it, hope it came out to what you expected.